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On the eve of yet another comeback for Woods, the luxury wrist-watch
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colorado. earlier this year, the Rolex contract marks 1st major pact
since he lost sponsors AT&T, Gillette, Accenture, Gatorade, and Tag
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Rolex is a Swiss luxury watch company founded in 1905 inside of city based in london by Hans Wilsdorf along with his brother-in-law Alfred Davis. Rolex is biggest and one of the most successful luxury watch company on planet earth. This watch company manufactures close to 2 thousand watches daily and has now an annual revenue near three billion dollars. It’s really a fact that rolex watches are well known all over the world. This watch brand is symbolic of luxury, wealth and obviously the art of comfort watch which makes. Billionaires, millionaires, watch collectors and regular folks are fascinated with fame, design and company’s Rolex timepieces.bekijk meer rolex imitatie en Bell & Ross
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